
Now Women allowed Everywhere!

Now Women allowed Everywhere!

The Tourists Hotel (today the cute Bird Rock Hotel), built in 1891, was one of the first hotels on San Juan Island and was very modern and high end for its time. It had indoor plumbing for all its rooms, a restaurant, pool hall and a bar. A travelling dentist provided dental services there, probably with anesthesia provided by said bar. Since the bar was for men only, a ladies’ reception room was also provided.

The 5 Worst Planning Mistakes when visiting San Juan Island

The 5 Worst Planning Mistakes when visiting San Juan Island

Did you know that the English word “to travel” etymologically comes from the French “travail”, which means “physical or mental exertion, task, agony” and even “torment”? Doesn’t sound very relaxing now, does it? The Anglo-French noun was borrowed into English in the late 13th century, long before cushy car rides, restful hotel rooms and romantic Farm-to-table- restaurants.

Business & Pleasure – How to plan a Corporate Retreat to San Juan Island

Business & Pleasure – How to plan a Corporate Retreat to San Juan Island

Friday Harbor, on San Juan Island, only 65 miles north of Seattle and south of Vancouver, BC, surrounded by breathtaking nature, with its small town feel and big city culture is the ideal place for a retreat from “business as usual”. It is close enough to city centers to be reached within a few hours, yet far enough to feel like you are really getting away from it all
